Integrity Key Properties LLC
Abbe Krasner , Integrity Key Properties LLCPhone: (813) 453-1890
Email: [email protected]

Pool Side: Dry Off with DIY Towel Racks

by Abbe Krasner 04/19/2020

Photo by Engin Akyurt from Pexels

The stunning tile, the landscaping and even the pool itself -- you spent a lot of time and money to make this the most delightful and attention getting part of your home. All that work could go to waste, though, if the pool area itself looks messy and unkempt. Few things look worse than soggy piles of towels discarded around on the pool deck. This problem is easily remedied, though. If you offer your family and guests a place to hang towels and other pool gear, they are far more likely to put things away when they are done.

Creating a DIY Towel Rack requires a few tools and some simple steps, but has a lasting impact on your space.

Your towel rack could be as simple as a few stylish hooks mounted on a post or fence; they need to be strong enough to hold up the weight of a wet towel (towels can absorb more than their own weight in water, making them very heavy when wet).

A more advanced towel rack can have hooks for hanging towels that are in use, a basket for those headed to the laundry and even shelves for storing folded, ready to use towels just for the pool area.

Decide what details you like best and need most, and then create a towel rack that delivers. Most styles can be made with the construction lumber found at your local DIY store; the hardware used for gates is already rated for outdoor use and strong enough for your needs. Casters allow you to roll your towel rack wherever you'd like it to go, but they must be the locking type, otherwise you risk having the entire rack roll into the pool, towels and all.

Once you have a plan, you can sketch it out; you can also look for free plans online. Keep in mind that you can have lumber cut to size at a DIY store -- so you don't have to have power saws to complete a typical towel rack. You will need to use exterior wood screws designed for construction purposes and either choose an exterior finish for your rack -- or paint it entirely. Since this will enhance the look of your rack, it should not be a hardship - just choose colors and finishes that work well with your pool area.

Allow a few hours to build the rack, and another day or so for all finishes to dry, then enjoy having a clean, towel free pool area that is free of sopping wet towels and debris.

Piles of wet towels, flipflops, pool toys and other items do more than just make your pool area look messy; they pose a safety hazard as well. A family member or guest can easily slip and fall on these items, and since most pool area surroundings are concrete, significant injuries are possible. Prevent these and protect your home and family by providing everyone with an easy way to clean up after themselves, in just a weekend or less. 

About the Author

Abbe Krasner

Your "Dear Abbe" of Real Estate!

"I believe in going the extra mile and pride myself for exceeding expectations by giving great customer service and love to negotiate for my clients." 

With well over 20 years in the business, Abbe Krasner is a Florida state recognized Licensed Real Estate Broker with Integrity Key Properties LLC.

~ Specialization in Residential, Property Management, Military Relocation & Renovations. ~

Multi-Million Dollar Producer 

Nationally Recognized Masters Club Awards and Golden Eagle Awards 

Consistent Top Producer rates highest on Customer Satisfaction Member of National Association of Realtors, Florida Association of Realtors, Greater Tampa Association of Realtors, HUD Certification, WCR.

In addition, Abbe holds other licenses and memberships such as a Florida Licensed Notary, Performs Wedding Ceremonies in Florida, a US Coast Guard Aux. Certification, and is a Medical and Military Relocation Specialist.