Integrity Key Properties LLC
Abbe Krasner , Integrity Key Properties LLCPhone: (813) 453-1890
Email: [email protected]

Supplemental tax bill: Understanding the basics

by Abbe Krasner 04/09/2023

If your property has increased or decreased in assessed value since your last tax payment, you might receive a supplemental tax bill. These are separate tax bills you need to pay in addition to your regular annual bill. If you're interested in learning more about how supplemental tax bills work, here is a short guide to the basics:

Supplemental tax bills may reflect changes to your property

Supplemental tax bills are usually the result of a supplemental assessment of your property's value. Supplemental assessments happen when you complete new construction or major rehabilitation to a home. Supplemental assessments also take place when a property changes ownership.

Supplemental tax bills can have different due dates

Supplemental tax bills are separate from your normal property tax bills. Therefore, they can arrive at any time of year regardless of your annual tax due date. It's important to take care of these payments as soon as possible to prevent issues.

Supplemental tax bills can be negative

Negative supplemental tax bills are the result of a new assessment being lower than the previous. If you receive a negative tax bill, you'll also receive a reimbursement check. The amount of the refund check will depend on the difference between assessments. Conveniently, most municipalities allow you to apply the refund amount to any other outstanding tax bill, potentially saving you thousands.

Are you planning any major construction or updates to your home? If so, you can likely expect a supplemental assessment for the changes. Keep this basic info in mind for a better understanding of your supplemental tax bill.

About the Author

Abbe Krasner

Your "Dear Abbe" of Real Estate!

"I believe in going the extra mile and pride myself for exceeding expectations by giving great customer service and love to negotiate for my clients." 

With well over 20 years in the business, Abbe Krasner is a Florida state recognized Licensed Real Estate Broker with Integrity Key Properties LLC.

~ Specialization in Residential, Property Management, Military Relocation & Renovations. ~

Multi-Million Dollar Producer 

Nationally Recognized Masters Club Awards and Golden Eagle Awards 

Consistent Top Producer rates highest on Customer Satisfaction Member of National Association of Realtors, Florida Association of Realtors, Greater Tampa Association of Realtors, HUD Certification, WCR.

In addition, Abbe holds other licenses and memberships such as a Florida Licensed Notary, Performs Wedding Ceremonies in Florida, a US Coast Guard Aux. Certification, and is a Medical and Military Relocation Specialist.