Integrity Key Properties LLC
Abbe Krasner , Integrity Key Properties LLCPhone: (813) 453-1890
Email: [email protected]

Create a Home Selling Strategy

by Abbe Krasner 11/04/2018

If you want to enjoy a fast, profitable home selling experience, it helps to prepare as much as possible. In fact, if you craft a home selling strategy, you should have no trouble achieving your home selling goals.

Now, let's take a look at three tips to help you create a successful home selling strategy.

1. Consider the Buyer's Perspective

Think about how a homebuyer may perceive your house. Then, you can prioritize assorted home improvement projects and incorporate them into your home selling strategy.

For example, if your home's front lawn is messy and cluttered, now may prove to be a good time to hire a professional landscaping company. With support from this company, you can transform a subpar front lawn into a stunning one and bolster your house's curb appeal.

On the other hand, if you find that your home interior needs to be updated, you should perform assorted home interior upgrades. By doing so, you can enhance your house's interior and make it easy for buyers to fall in love with your residence.

2. Assess Your House Both Inside and Out

Ultimately, a home seller's goal is to maximize the profits from his or her home sale. If you include a home inspection as part of your home selling strategy, you can take the necessary steps to upgrade your house prior to listing it.

During a home inspection, a property expert will analyze your residence both inside and out. When the home inspection is finished, the property expert will provide you with an inspection report that details his or her findings.

Review a home inspection report closely. This report contains valuable insights that you can use to enhance your home's exterior and interior. It also may help you discover innovative ways to improve your house's value.

3. Collaborate with a Real Estate Agent

When it comes to crafting a home selling strategy, there is no need to work alone. Luckily, you can hire a real estate agent who can help you put together a successful home selling strategy in no time at all.

A real estate agent will teach you about the real estate market and help you set realistic home selling expectations. In addition, this housing market professional is happy to provide you with expert home selling insights to ensure you can optimize the value of your house.

Moreover, a real estate agent can offer comprehensive support at each stage of the home selling journey. He or she can help you list your house and promote it to the right groups of buyers. Plus, a real estate agent can provide recommendations as you review a home offer and ensure you can make an informed decision about whether to accept, reject or counter a proposal.

If you want to get the best-possible results from the home selling journey, it helps to establish a home selling strategy. Use the aforementioned tips, and you can craft a successful plan to sell your house.

About the Author

Abbe Krasner

Your "Dear Abbe" of Real Estate!

"I believe in going the extra mile and pride myself for exceeding expectations by giving great customer service and love to negotiate for my clients." 

With well over 20 years in the business, Abbe Krasner is a Florida state recognized Licensed Real Estate Broker with Integrity Key Properties LLC.

~ Specialization in Residential, Property Management, Military Relocation & Renovations. ~

Multi-Million Dollar Producer 

Nationally Recognized Masters Club Awards and Golden Eagle Awards 

Consistent Top Producer rates highest on Customer Satisfaction Member of National Association of Realtors, Florida Association of Realtors, Greater Tampa Association of Realtors, HUD Certification, WCR.

In addition, Abbe holds other licenses and memberships such as a Florida Licensed Notary, Performs Wedding Ceremonies in Florida, a US Coast Guard Aux. Certification, and is a Medical and Military Relocation Specialist.