Integrity Key Properties LLC
Abbe Krasner , Integrity Key Properties LLCPhone: (813) 453-1890
Email: [email protected]

Not into Yardwork? Here's How to Make Your Backyard More Low Maintenance

by Abbe Krasner 10/07/2018

When spring arrives it brings everyone out to the backyard for games, cookouts, picnics, and a number of other fun, fair weather activities. It also brings yardwork.

With the busy schedules that most homeowners have, it can be difficult to find time to spend hours working in the yard each weekend. Depending on where you live and the size of your backyard, there are many options for making it a bit easier to take care of your lawn and garden.

In this article, we’ll give you some advice on how to make caring for your backyard a lot simpler so that you can spend your time outside enjoying the weather rather than working up a sweat.


In most suburban and rural neighborhoods, lawncare seems like a competition. Everyone wants their grass to look as green as their neighbor’s. But keeping a meticulous lawn can be difficult if you have kids, pets, or just don’t have the time to spend manicuring and fertilizing your lawn. What’s more, lawncare can get expensive quickly and can go wrong just as quickly in the case of droughts and pests.

There are many ways you can simplify your lawn care. If you love having a lawn, but mowing is a pain, it can be easier to remove some obstacles from your yard. Bird baths and other decorations can be a nice accept, but sometimes they make mowing more difficult than it needs to be.

If you don’t want to deal with grass at all, or want a smaller area to mow, you have a few options.

You could make your yard more of a natural meadow by planting wildflowers and encouraging long grasses. Laying a brick path down the middle creates the air of a walkthrough garden where you can view the many florae that will be ever-changing in your yard.

If you like your yard to look neat and tidy, creating a patio and placing a few choice potted plants and trees on it will save you a lot of time pushing the lawnmower.

Choose the right plants

Many people plant bushes, trees, and flowers based solely on the fact that they like them. It makes more sense in the long run, though, to choose your plants based on their hardiness, and your ability to care for them.

Some plants are marketed as being impossible to kill. However, you should still read the care requirements to make sure they’ll work with your yard’s climate, light, and water conditions.

In warmer climates, cacti and succulents are a good choice and will likely fit the scenery. For colder climates, there are a number of conifers, shrubs, and bushes that will stay green throughout the winter, adding a bit of color to the dreary season.

A good way to make sure your yard will be low maintenance year-round is to use plants and trees that are native to your area. Since they’re in their natural habitat, they’ll likely require less work on your part.

About the Author

Abbe Krasner

Your "Dear Abbe" of Real Estate!

"I believe in going the extra mile and pride myself for exceeding expectations by giving great customer service and love to negotiate for my clients." 

With well over 20 years in the business, Abbe Krasner is a Florida state recognized Licensed Real Estate Broker with Integrity Key Properties LLC.

~ Specialization in Residential, Property Management, Military Relocation & Renovations. ~

Multi-Million Dollar Producer 

Nationally Recognized Masters Club Awards and Golden Eagle Awards 

Consistent Top Producer rates highest on Customer Satisfaction Member of National Association of Realtors, Florida Association of Realtors, Greater Tampa Association of Realtors, HUD Certification, WCR.

In addition, Abbe holds other licenses and memberships such as a Florida Licensed Notary, Performs Wedding Ceremonies in Florida, a US Coast Guard Aux. Certification, and is a Medical and Military Relocation Specialist.